Are GERMANY and SPAIN the most racist countries in Europe?
what's up
2006-10-11 11:10:49 UTC
I think it's disgusting how they treat black footballers by calling them monkeys and such. Many blacks are very good looking and shouldn't be subjected to that. For civilised countries, they should be ashamed. Are they really so ignorant that they don't know the human species is in fact a more advanced version of an ape.
31 answers:
2006-10-11 11:17:54 UTC
You think those two countries are bad, try South America. Unfortunately the whole world is filled by these disgusting uneducated individuals who have a misguided superiority complex.
2006-10-12 16:57:08 UTC
No one country is specifically more racist than the other. Racism is not something that u can escape or avoid easily for the mear fact that it's every where. Think about people from the Caribbean because of their history most, to a certain level, think of white people as cruel, but they are also taught to grin and bear it? Racism has been around as far back as Bible days! People do things generally because they are accustomed to it and will transfer it to most aspects of their lives it's hurtful yes I'm from Jamaica and in hurts a whole lot when I go places and people ask 'Where r u from?' and I reply and they oft pass the ruddiest remarks about Jamaicans as if I'm no longer standing there! But happily the entire country isn't like that, just a minority. And footballers are not much different, it's just customs.
2006-10-12 08:32:50 UTC
do not say germany and spain, but a minority of german and spanish idiots that with their actiong damage their countries image.

i don't know which are the nost racist countries in europe, and i will not give you my opinion. but it supreises me that you mentioned Germany, because the coutry has tried hard in the last years to promote a different image and i think that with the world cup they proved that the mentality changed.

maybe you have that opinion because those countries have a lot of migration and you can see how they interact, but do not forget about other european countries that don't have as many immigrant and consequently you can't see how racist they are.

sorry my english!
2006-10-11 23:15:09 UTC
I agree that treating others badly based on ethnicity is disgusting. However I don't think I can say Germany and Spain are the most racist countries in Europe since I've heard many other European countries with a lot of problems due to racism. Unfortunately racism is worldwide. Even the most civilized of people can be downright ignorant. I'd like to see something being done about this since it takes so much away from this beautiful game.
2006-10-11 11:22:53 UTC
I don't think that's only specific to one country or another. That really depends,on my opinion, by every and each one. The subject you approached, football, it's well known for it's rasism, black or white.

I think football without rasism and any other bad things isn't a show anymore.

Europe is a very racist continent,especially because there are so many nationalities there. I live in EU and I know what it means.
2006-10-13 21:01:32 UTC
The French throwing bananas at blacks? 90% of their national team of mixed origin and as for the Spanish i watched a Barcelona game last season and was totally speechless and disgusted as i watched Samuel Eto'o become so upset at the racist chants from fans that he walked off the pitch in tears. One of the if not the most talented striker in the world being treated like that is an outrage. However i think only naming Germany, France and Spain is unfair as our country is becoming more and more racist especially towards muslims and i think the media has a big part to play in this. I find it disturbing that since 9/11 90% of our national news programmes alone is suicide bombers, taliban, Iraq, immigration issues or anything they can dig up thats negative about this race. The media would have us believe that every muslim or middle eastern person is a fundamentalist, extremist terrorist and they're living next door to you making dirty chemical bombs as we speak. But the saddest thing is the amount of apparently well educated intelligent people who believe this, its WRONG get a mind of your own and leave these people who are mostly decent, religeous, hard-working people to get on with their lives in peace and send Bush and all his followers to prison where they belong.

from a White Scottish Protestant
Marian C
2006-10-14 04:14:25 UTC
There is no such thing as a racist country, just racist hooligans.. and they represent a minority in a country’s fans.
2006-10-11 18:04:36 UTC
there are lots of rascist people in all ocuntries of the world. there is no country that is completely rascist free. rascism comes from ignorance and lack of tolerance especially in education and fmily. it's not inherited because of your race so i think that people generalising about how rascist a country is only makes the problem worse. you start judging others without knowing them and that can only breed unjustified hate. france si rascist yes but why dont you go live there for a while, you'd see that given the problem they have with crime and immigrants its not surprising (although i'm not defending it). GERMANY- youre talking about a very small minority. you would not believe how offeended 90% of germans are if you refer to hitler in any way. they are embarssed by it. and america. oh america. im not attacking you but you CANNOT start comparing to make yourself feel better. haven't you seen how **** the politicians of your country let the black people in the ghettos live. and they HATE you, its a vicious cycle. anyways we need to breed mmore tolerance and stop spreading stupid rumours about things which DO NOT REPRESENT the majority.

plus in football most of it is hyped up and to get into the spirit. i know when my teams losing i think OH DAMN YANKS or AHHH BLOODY ASIANS but its in the spirit of the game and i do not hold these beliefs or would not spread them beyond my living room. and i would not be offended if someone were to say FREAKING AUSSIES (or whatever ppl call us).....
2006-10-12 04:07:41 UTC
Germany is not a racist country. Spain may be, they have catalan, basq and madrid racisms, not to the other countries. Dont forget france and dutchs. They are the most racist countries ever.
2006-10-15 05:11:35 UTC
I can speak for the SPANISH side yes they are they do not like anyone outside Spain my children get called all sorts of foreigner and English bxxxxxxds i just say to them yes in their eyes we are foreigners and yes we are English. but not everyone treats you like that.and as Ive said before when in Rome do as the Romans do only better.
2006-10-12 06:40:08 UTC
No, Croatia are more racist although the germans are racist tooo. UEFA threatened to disqualify them from the Euro2008 if they continued to make racist chants. And y do they wanna call the black players monkeys, i think these racists are making a fool of themselves and they are the REAL MONKEYS...
2006-10-11 11:21:39 UTC
No try Switzerland, and any way most people are racist in some way , it is always the fault of the foreigners when things aren't so good, and personally I do not agree with foreign footballers playing in local teams , it all boils down to who can buy the players from just about any where and not the local lads who should be playing for there towns.
2006-10-13 12:59:00 UTC
germany is racist and they think that they`re better than all the countries and spain isonly racist to blacks.
2006-10-14 07:17:54 UTC
I believe you are being racist by asking that question. Why Spain? Why Germany? You seem to forget that your English hooligans are not really keen on Turkish people. In France there are also a lot of people who say black people are monkeys. You can find stupid people everywhere.
2006-10-11 21:55:30 UTC
sort of about half(5/10)
Bruno Tataglia
2006-10-12 07:39:08 UTC
Now your question is relating racism to black players, cos there's other kinds of racism as well.

When it comes to that, I'd say Italy are the most racist. Germany and Spain have black players on their National Squads or have had before in the recent past. Not Italy. A hard-core Italian coach, someone like Marcello Lippi or Arrigo Sacchi, would not even field an Italian player who does not play in the Serie A or B. How much more a blackie? Think about that!! Christian Vieri once wanted to move to Spain or it is England to play pro soccer, the national team coach then simply told him 'you know what that means for your national team place.'

Thats my take!
2006-10-11 11:21:02 UTC
I certainly think so. Also italy is with them.

I saw a program on ESPN about the facist flags flying in some italian stadiums and the Nazi flags in some German stadiums and it make me sick. Another thing I saw was on the of Italian players giving the heil to fans like hitler did. That was heartbreaking. French people throwing bananas at black players was something that if I never actually saw, I would never believe. I was disgusted and also wondering why the USA takes so much guff for the things we do, and these countries get no complaints worldwide.

I am also more proud to be an American after learning about all these soccer events. At least most Americans try and you will NEVER see nazi or facist flags in any of our stadiums.
terry l
2006-10-11 11:16:51 UTC
I am beginning to wonder about the two nations . I think

the two nations are hateful to Christians than any other group right now.
2006-10-13 19:38:32 UTC
i would like to know where you got this from because i have never herd of anythink like it before and how could the spanish team be racist to blacks they have a black player on their team ... senna
2006-10-12 18:52:54 UTC
i agree
2006-10-12 04:25:39 UTC
No! See Italy!
2006-10-12 08:25:17 UTC
not they just choose to be calling that, becos of their colour
hicham B
2006-10-14 10:18:28 UTC
yeah mate..very racists in spain..germany not that bad it s like in england..but in spain..awefull stupid.
2006-10-12 16:34:11 UTC
yea germany and sweden to.......
2006-10-11 11:19:20 UTC
Spain is very racist indeed, towards anyone and everyone who is not a spanish national
2006-10-11 11:13:27 UTC
no, everywhere is racist to a certain degree.
2006-10-11 11:20:53 UTC
I Doubt It,Everybody Is Racist For Their Own Kind,I Hate White DAWGS
2006-10-13 22:00:33 UTC
Look, coming from pure spanish blood i absolutely do not think spain are rascist. If Spain were rascist they wouldnt be letting all those africans into spanish territory. There lucky spain even lets them stay there. If those African landed in australia they ould have been sent back to africa? Is that rascism? And spain is under threat from these provinces wanting independance. the catalanas want independence from Spain but will never get it becasue spain is 1 country not 5. Spain is NUMBER 1 in europe and all those people who visit spain wouldnt go if it was that rascist. Look we have to admit that France's national squad does have a lot of African ppl. Spain is lucky that what happened in cronulla doesnt happen there!
2006-10-11 16:02:52 UTC
i dont know
god knows and sees else Yahoo
2006-10-11 11:12:24 UTC
You forgot France
2006-10-12 06:53:31 UTC
No they are purely Nationalist....there is nothing wrong with them being proud of their own....And let's face it...Unlike France and Engerland......they wouldn't fill thier National teams with members of the United Nations.....Okay so you like to fcuk blacks......good for You! but just 'cause You do, don't force it on the rest of the world!!!!!!!

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