How much of a role should the media play in helping to reduce racism in football?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
How much of a role should the media play in helping to reduce racism in football?
114 answers:
2007-12-17 10:27:21 UTC
well our society(UK) I think the media do a large amount of helping kick racism out of football. you see in papers and football magazines the big green and black sign "give racism a red card" well in the UK we do. a fair part is on them.
2007-12-19 06:12:33 UTC
Racism is much bigger than black/white, its degrading anyone for there race (Arabs, Hispanics, Blacks..). In order to kick this out of football, we need a complete change, you cant expect someone to be racist all the time and then come watch the game and say "oh i love those ..... people" it just wont happen. We need the media to do more, yes, but we also need to teach our kids from a young age to kick racism out of our lives not just football.

More important than the media are the players themselves, they need to take a strong stand. If a player is abused the players should just stop playing, that is if they really do think that this is an important issue. If the players do this a couple of times it will stop.
2007-12-18 07:25:04 UTC
How come it's ok for the crowd to shout "You Fat Ba$tard", but replace the word fat with black and there's a massive uproar.

If you want to help stamp this sort of thing out then it needs doing on all levels, not just for the colour of your skin.
2007-12-19 14:18:48 UTC
I don't think it will help on a grand scale. Their will always be prejudice people in this world and some of those people are football fans. I think everyone of us has had racist thoughts one time or another but it's important to know that it's BS and that there is never a time and a place for expressing it.
2007-12-17 10:20:54 UTC
what does the media have to do with it?!
Scott S
2007-12-17 10:20:02 UTC
Well they should play a huge role as they could make a real difference!!

But unfortunately racism in football dont sell papers .................terrorism and politics do.
2007-12-17 10:18:05 UTC
they shouldn't, its not the medias responsibility.

We don't live under Communism
2007-12-19 00:26:46 UTC
Any reduction of racism that comes from the press, should only be second fiddle to what FIFA, UEFA and ALL clubs worldwide do.

The racist element can be erased if only the clubs are willing to remove those sections of fans involved in carrying out these racist acts.

Football is swimming in cash, and does not need the press to give them free support. The press and media shoudl only have to report the success (or failure) of those clubs trying to eradicate this blight from football.

PS now that you are back in the squad, stop wasting valuable training time, you lazy git.
2007-12-17 10:52:02 UTC
The media could be the only factor which may help in reducing racism in football because it is the connection between the viewers and the players. If this connection had a good picture and it represented all individuals equally, it could reduce racism.

The power of the media is that it could deliver the idea up to millions of people, so, why can't this power be used in a good way to minimize the negative qualities which could be found such as racism. Some media sources which try to gain public attention, tend to distort incidents which happen just to gain attention and increase the number of viewers, but they do not think about the harmful effects which might come over.

It is the duty of every individual in the media starting from a small match photographer till a news paper editor to try to make this beautiful game something which people gather around to watch wonderful matches and special techniques in a way that people would respect the game including its players from wherever part of the world they are from.
2007-12-17 10:34:57 UTC
i think there isnt much racism in the epl...we just fine, but i think the media should definately shame players that carry out discrimination.....
2007-12-21 06:54:56 UTC
A huge and ongoing role, in every vehicle of the media, and at every opportunity. Think about it. Where do we get our information from, where do many members of society take their lead from, in forming their opinions? It might take a minute to make sense, but think on this: a radio news bulletin announces that a bank is in trouble, say a scenario similiar to the recent Northern Rock furore. Later the same day the station takes calls from people worried about their money in that bank, seeking reassurances. Presto! Next news bulletin says queues are beginning to form at branches of the bank, nervous investors wanting their cash out of a bank deemed "in trouble". This demonstrates that we do indeed take our lead from the media.

Now stop and think of the positivity the media could have if they were united in the fight to tackle racism. If a simple measure, naming and shaming, were adopted by the radio and television stations that have broadcasts of matches, it would go a long long way to getting rid of this shameful practice. No long sermons on the subject, we want match commentary and analysis. Just a clear, concise, short statement on air, to the effect of " officials at the club have identified these attendees at our last match against so and so as being racially offensive in their language and conduct, and as such these people are not welcome at our matches in future." Then Name Them, live and on air, in front of God and everyone, then get back to reporting on the game. No further comment, all done matter-of-factly and with appropriate gravitas and condemnation. No apologies or explanations or excuses, for there are none. It will catch on, you'll see and will eventually stop dead in it's tracks racial abuse in football.
2007-12-21 03:05:28 UTC
The media has a massive influence and this can be used to access society

The media can do more to help combat racism but this does not sell papers etc and to be honest this is all the media are interested in...

For racism to be reduced in football we need to start at the bottom ....

We need to start with children . .after all they are the next generation and are susceptible to learning

There is no need for racism in today's society and as football appeals to many youngsters this could be used to get the message across

The media should cover stories where other footballers have been accused of racism and when proven to be guilty the footballer should be forced to make a very public apology through the media

Many young kids strive to be like their favourite footballer and look up to them ...

They see them swearing at the ref .. they think it is funny

They see handbags at dawn on the pitch and they laugh

Although the players are punished the kids do not see that this is where the public apology comes into play as this is getting the message across loud and clear that this type of behaviour is not acceptable and the kids will take notice of that

I also think the media could stop airing a live match when the fans chant inappropriately as many kids are watching this

I also believe the players themselves could play a bigger role using the media to their advantage and do some form of programme on what is acceptable behaviour on the pitch
paul g
2007-12-26 05:31:31 UTC
Racism (and other ISM's for that matter) is an ugly thing and really shouldnt have to be put up with by anyone. The trouble is that in your line of work you are, in affect, an entertainer all be it in a totally different role to a presenter. But part of entertaining is having an audience and an audience that wants to get involved as-well.

This audience is primarily (despite the financial figures involved) working class and as someone from a working class background, you can throw all the PC speech at us, but we more often than not say what we want in an environment we think we can get away with it. ie, a stadium.

Racism isnt right AT-ALL but at the end of the day, you choose to play football in an environment that will mean you have to deal with these issues, the press's job is to report, not influence (although im sure it does), your job is to entertain by playing football and the crowds job is to get on your back and get behind there team.

With a crowd of 50'000, your going to get a racists, a sexist, an ageist and pretty much everything else.

Happy New Year!
2007-12-20 14:12:03 UTC
To address racism, you have to address the problem at its source. The source being how people are raised to think about races different than their own.

By the time a child is old enough to pay attention to "the media" their ideas are already formed, usually taught and encouraged by parents/mentors. Therefore, the media is powerless to change minds. The only thing the media is good for is passing on watered down information with a very distinct bias.

The responsibility of reducing racism sits squarely in the hands of those raising our future generations.....and its not nor should it be the media.
The Honest one
2007-12-27 03:41:07 UTC
Hi Samuel Eto'o, Racism in football is not as bad as racism with in the world. However, the media can have a vast impact on racism if they would only print positive stories and not just the problems. I have watch many football matches on TV and seen people of all races chanting together, embraced together in unison. It is only the minority that give football a bad name. The media only chose to print what the minority have done because it wants to sell papers, but there is no mention of the other thousands who attended the game, who went home quietly. It should not be only Football stars who should lead the role against racism, but pop stars. film stars and of course our own politicians when they have stopped looking for lost information. The media want to sell papers and find they can only do this but printing negative stories about people of different races of untold proportion. If all stars that people look up to, to put pressured the media to become more in line with racism and cut down the stories or not even mention, race, creed or colour, our world may not be as bad as we are lead to believe. The only true way of cutting out racism is through our children, Schools should play a major part in teaching our children that being a different colour, speaking a different language or having different religious believes is acceptable into to-days world. Parents should allow children to learn how a person from another country lives. Best wishes. Peter
2007-12-20 09:23:30 UTC
The media promotes racism already by the way they report news.Too much negative emphasise is put on minority groups and races within their articles.The media use sensationalising and propaganda methods to keep racism alive.Unless the media seriously considers changing the way they report they will continue to do more harm than good.

I feel that the media practises institutionalised racism.

This form of racism is cleverly designed to con the unsuspecting and plants the seed of racism amongst the general public.

I feel the media has such a huge influence and there is certainly a role AND a responsibility on its part to help in the struggle against racism but I can't help feeling the media is very much to blame for their involvement in promoting racism in the first place.I for one don't trust their practises.
nneka a
2007-12-26 15:52:17 UTC
A whole much: from the newspapers, electronic media- tv,radio, websites, kiosks, etc. The major function of the media is to create awareness, expose information. Racism should be exposed via the media, informing about its ills. Then can people know wats up, allow their conscience to take the right positive steps... creating the gradual unity, oneness. That is the spirit of the game - football, soccer!!!

I am an AC Milan fan, my favorite player in the team is Kaka. And that's my pet name. But all of the players even those not on the field, who play at their local stadia or on the streets are great. I love the game it keeps me alive, energetic and am grateful to watch it, interacting with others, its such fun.

Have a happy holidays!!!!
2007-12-22 08:29:42 UTC
We may not live under Communism but there are not so many media outlets as there are say driving schools. The few companies that there are have direct access to our homes.

This being the case they are very powerful opinion makers and hence have a lot of responsibility.

The media should be used to tackle racism and every other form of anti-social behaviour.

The media should also represent the whole community, which means ethnic shows and ten percent of the faces on television being ethnic. In fact I think they make good attempts to do this.

Racists are parochial little fuckers and should be sent for re-education. Hitler and the Nazis were parochial little fuckers and they lost.
2007-12-18 12:51:05 UTC
Racism is something that needs to be stopped by ones will. The media can't do much on it, however it is great if they do make an influence and try to help. I just really think racism will exist for as long as I live and until humans leave stupidity and ignorance behind it will continue. The media can only do as much as saying it's not good. But why should we stop our sport? Just because of foolish people that can't seem to get it through their head that no matter the differences, it's about the football skill and fun not the color of skin, religion, etc.

But if these footballers that have gotten the respect and are role models for some kids can manage to get the message then we are that much closer.
2007-12-24 11:11:40 UTC
Media is one of the biggest ways of preventing or starting something!

In football, if it is shown in the media it can have numerous effects.

- Encourages people to be racist as they think its ok because the celeb's do it.

- Show the image of football as a whole picture badly.

- It can lower participation in the sport

- Be a reason for a withdrawal of sponsorship.

It can be a good effect too tho..

- If the media starts a campaign then it will be spread nationally and people will take notice.

- It can encourage people to join the sport to help stamp out racism.

- Awareness will be raised.

- Action will be taken to reduce it.

2007-12-20 02:19:24 UTC
The Media and PC people cause much of the racism in life not just football,if only we were all left alone to get on with each other the world would be a better place;nobody is better than anyone else what has colour or religion got to do with the a football match its pathetic.
Part Time Ninja
2007-12-23 05:26:53 UTC
It's nothing to do with the media- they have been going on about it for a good few years now and not made any difference; Racism exists in football just like it does in all other aspects of everday life, it does now and it always will do, hard fact, but a fact none the less.
Fiona F
2007-12-22 16:30:21 UTC
Media wont help it - having a super charged atmosphere with so many drunken hooligans is never a good plan as all archaic and stupid ideologies will breed there forever!

The few ruin it for the many but it does seem that football attracts the worst of the worst... perhaps make the stadiums a bit more classy and don't allow drunks?

What do you propose the media could do? The types generally read the sun and I don't think subliminal messages work on the mindless....
2007-12-31 03:03:35 UTC
I remember quite a while back(i.e. in the early 80's) there was a Match played by a Black XI v some other opposition.

They had players like Alex Williams(Man City),Vince Hilaire(Crystal Palace),Garth Crooks(Tottenham Hotspur)playing. It was given big publicity by the media. I don't think it was a good move as it portrayed the black footballing community to be just as racist as they claimed the white footballing community.

I believe the media should go as far as legally possible to 'name and shame those responsible for racism on Football.Both white AND black.
2007-12-20 20:07:38 UTC
The media and other organisations with what you might call mass appeal should go all out to illuminate not just racism in footie but everywhere. Even in chat rooms on the net and in Y/A everything that can be done to root out this poison regardless of who what when where. Remarks and responses which draw attention to such behaviour or take positive stances must be encouraged. It is just offencive to my mind when my colour is insulted as when someone insults someone else's colour, or race or religion (one reason I am not religious is because of the rifts caused between people by it). We all need to communicate on a higher level and acknowledge love as being the answer.
Evil genius
2007-12-29 09:43:57 UTC
Instead of showing how David Beckham spends his bucks and the WAG's antics,that column space could be used for showing the dirty face of racism.Fighting against racism is a universal cause and the media can play a hugely influential role in preventing racism and tarnishing that racist person's reputation
2007-12-20 06:21:08 UTC
I think you should go to play for England club. The media are helping reduce racism there are better than Spain
His love
2007-12-20 16:03:02 UTC
one of the most powerful means of news spreading is ..the media....they should play a very important role, I'd say an 80% aleast. the fact that the media takes up this responsibility is a big progress in fighting racism in sports and in the world generally.
2007-12-20 14:13:04 UTC
I think it's a very sad world that we even have racism in the world?

if it would help to stop it, then I'd be in favour of it being helped by the media, sadly the media only like bad news, as they get more mo money for these.
2007-12-20 10:14:55 UTC
I think the media does all it can do by making us aware that it is going on, thus bringing us to this stage; talking about it.

The solution should lie in the teams. If racist abuse is subjected, then the team should be fined, and eventually banned from playing. That is the most harsh, but fair method. Racism is unacceptable at any level, so in my opinion this is the only way for it to end.
2007-12-24 06:24:33 UTC
They shouldn't create it in the first place, LOL.

By "reporting" on it they are actually sustaining it.

I believe that by not making such a fuss about racism it will eventually die.

Your question helps keep racism alive.

So called caring TV and radio programs that "address" the problem all helps keep racism alive.

These programs present... a "well BALANCED" view of both sides of the problem and by doing that they are actually MAKING AWARE to both sides the other side's negative views. Have you ever heard the expressing parents often use "Pay no attention to the kid's one off use of the word sh_t... the kid will forget about using again eventually " ?????.
Michael O
2007-12-26 04:27:18 UTC
I think it is more a question of how much of a role 'can' they play. The media are entrusted to provide fair and unbiased coverage of events, which doesn't always happen. Say they want to make a scapegoat of a player for playing poorly, if this player is coloured can this then be defined as rascism? Of course they can highlight incidents and/or chanting which may take place on the terraces(and on the pitch don't forget) but aside from giving coverage to these events i don't think they can help massively, personally i think the players should be doing more and in light of the recent Sol Campbell situation i was disappointed to hear a couple of players( one of whom i regard very highly ) saying the abuse should be tolerated because of the size of the players wage packets. I have suffered abuse on the pitch due to my religion and i don't think it matters how much you are getting paid, bottom line is you are not there to take abuse. Sol Campbell is a shining example to any young professional and should be getting singled out for that sort of treatment simply because Spurs fans are aggrieved at his departure. The guy should be commended for standing up and speaking out.
roger firth uk
2007-12-23 09:21:42 UTC
Samuel mate come and play for the Arsenal and experience the lack of racism in the premiere league,the media themselves have a lot to do with stamping out racism in sport but the main body that should be is FIFA the paltry fines that they give clubs,whose supporters continualy abuse black players only sends out the message that its ok to do it.if pople can't appreciate you as a person and for your prowess as a sportsman.then to be honest they don't deserve you.So once again come and play for the greatest club in the world the Arsenal YOU WILL BE APPECIATED OVER HERE.
2007-12-20 10:26:38 UTC
Racism is made worse by hideous idiots who think its hard and right. The media highlight this and brings it into the open so yes it does help to reduce racism.
2007-12-27 05:48:55 UTC
If anything, the media promote racism. Look at the Daily Mail and the Sun, bigotry and prejudice spew forth from these rags like filth from a cesspit. I would not trust the Brit press with a cheese bun, never mind a moral issue like racism, they will only use it to sell their mind rotting garbage.
2007-12-24 08:27:09 UTC
A Far Larger Role:

- Promote and Educate Current Fans

- Try to bring as many Ethnic Minority Fans to the Club Grounds as possible

- Run Local Events to bring fans of all races together.
2007-12-23 19:42:20 UTC
I think the media are part to blame ,but we have to educate people into thinking and acting differently in a society which in some aspects still back in the 1970's and maybe racism is one of them.
2007-12-24 17:46:12 UTC
Current studies have shown using content analysis that the media does not portray black or minority athletes worse than white athletes. Compared to studies conducted in the 1970s, which showed that black athletes were portrayed as "dumb workhorses that had limited intelligence." Color commentary and media relations now limit the use of adjectives that portray minority athletes as inferior to white athletes.

However surveys show with a 95% confidence level that general public does not view media in atletics as racist. Minority athletes receive as much praise as ever for performances both on and off the field.
2015-10-03 12:38:03 UTC
A huge and ongoing role, in every vehicle of the media, and at every opportunity. Think about it. Where do we get our information from, where do many members of society take their lead from, in forming their opinions? It might take a minute to make sense, but think on this: a radio news bulletin announces that a bank is in trouble, say a scenario similiar to the recent Northern Rock furore. Later the same day the station takes calls from people worried about their money in that bank, seeking reassurances. Presto! Next news bulletin says queues are beginning to form at branches of the bank, nervous investors wanting their cash out of a bank deemed "in trouble". This demonstrates that we do indeed take our lead from the media.
2007-12-21 12:39:44 UTC
Hi Eto 'o. Medias have a strong role in fighting racism, but the main concern is to change people's minds. As long as the society is afflicted by racism, the sport too will be threatened.

PLEASE, ETO'O, COME TO A.C.MILAN!!!!!!!! WE NEED YOU, we can't go on with alberto gilardino
Social Science Lady
2007-12-21 07:03:22 UTC
Racism is a personal matter, hardly something that can be dictated about. The media should mind its` own bussiness. Often meaning to or not, they in-flame racism in sport.
steven e
2007-12-27 03:05:36 UTC
there is too much exposure for footballers today but i think the only way is to see /watch less football on t.v.i do notice that t.v. companies never talk about it because they know they will have bad publicity.on sky t.v. it is wall to wall coverage of football and if something is going on they tend to turn the cameras away from the i think it is time that the F.A. stoppped selling their soul to t.v. and put adequate and better trained staff to deal with this.but the bottom line is ,people are passionate about the sport/team they follow and sometimes innocently enough we all say things without any intent.
Just me
2007-12-21 17:44:06 UTC
The media are usually the ones who fuel racism by talking about the frogs and the yanks etc

The media should be regulated closely because it is from them that the established stereotypes remain entrenched.
2016-03-16 05:44:34 UTC
As a prelude to every match they should show "Roots", but only the episodes of oppression, that emancipation was just rot. Secondly after each match, they should have a 5 minute abuse section where Garth Crooks is the obect of their ire. Finally, the commentary team should comprise Ron Atkinson, and Nick Griffin of the BNP.
2007-12-26 05:40:45 UTC
By removing the ignorance, viciousness and small minded attitude promulgated by the Murdock Media.

The rest of use might reduce this stupid obsession with race/colour.

There are anyway only two races in the world

men and women, the rest of the rubbish is about control !!
2007-12-25 12:45:27 UTC
English Media sucks and that's because they are always saying great things about themselves and won't face reality. Fifa should take actions and not allow the English Media to even say a word.
2007-12-25 02:31:16 UTC
The crowd could call me "White Honky" all day if I was playing for £20,000+ per week.Players should expect harassment from crowds, fat players(Viduka, Ashton), bald players, red-headed players etc.... so why should bananas upset them?If they ignored the jibes the morons would not have as much fun and they'd stop. This...stamp out racism from sport campaign shows that it's getting to them so the yobs will only do it more and more.
2007-12-23 16:22:18 UTC
I'm all against racism and I think there should be more "anti-racism" events and the media should be encouraging more people to stop being racist and to all be a commuinity.

Im pure white, and all of my favourite players are probably all black (including you).
hello nursey
2007-12-29 20:35:28 UTC
sorry if sound like i'm trying to be pc but when i was 5 my best friends dad dragged him away from me and said you can't play with her eddie her family are blacks and they eat people i was devastated i just thought we eat beans on toast and Shepperd's pie and want nothing more then arsenal to win the fa cup when i was a bit older i want to some millwall games with my cousin wesley and we had bananas chucked at us have had an arsenal season ticket for the last 19 years and have never experienced a racist moment since then so would truefully have to say if why does it matter what colour your skin is it's the colour of your shirt that matters
2007-12-21 05:44:48 UTC
Anything that helps although in England things are definitely not ideal we should take the lead to stamp it out of all stadiums around the world and publicity is the only way to pass the message on that it won`t be tolerated by decent people
2014-06-20 11:10:23 UTC
Football is swimming in cash, and does not need the press to give them free support. The press and media shoudl only have to report the success (or failure) of those clubs trying to eradicate this blight from football.
2007-12-20 13:26:08 UTC
Fortunately we live in a society with a relatively free press as far as sport is concerned.

The "press"are in no way raciest.

Yes they could stop showing ill mannerd players spitting and pulling other players shirts!

There are supposed to be rules to the game;but they are ignored both by the players and the sports governing body.

Sport?? or a money making exercise??
israel d
2007-12-25 01:24:11 UTC
the media should get involved, those guys are direct contact with the fans, however i think heavy fines from FA`s will help curb this thing. also parents at home should be exemplary to their kids, when someone grew up knowing there is no difference because of our skin colour then in future we wont have this problem.
2007-12-23 10:47:09 UTC
A positive proactive role as racism has no place in sport!
100% Gooner
2007-12-19 06:01:09 UTC
Why choose "the media" when there are many other walks of life.

In England we hardly have any problems with racism in our sport. "The media" does a lot to support the anti-racism message.

Perhaps society in the former Soviet bloc, Italy and Spain need to get involved as it is these places where black players are subject to rascit chanting and disgusting animal noises from the terraces.
meditation and mango juice
2007-12-27 05:35:08 UTC
racism in the dressing rooms is quite common in nigeria,and the meia totally ignores it.

However racism in football in general can be dealt with in many different ways.

footballers themselves who care enough can reach out to people, and spread the word.

if somethings missing in your community put it in.
2007-12-29 03:30:01 UTC
Why is it that when racism is mentioned, everybody thinks of a black person. What about the Irish (thick), Scots (misers), Spanish (waiters), French (frogs) etc. No one bothers to mention it in the papers. Very strange
2007-12-29 14:15:30 UTC
the medias influence varies from country to country, but I feel that any small step taken to reduce this problem can only be a good thing
2007-12-23 06:27:23 UTC
the should help by reporting what FIFA does to reduce racism... so the bigger ? is what is FIFA going to do to reduce racism... I.E. when will they get the balls to hit clubs and where it hurts... in the pocket book..

banning from cup games...

banning from friendlies...

banning fans to attend games...

no tv coverage...

in turn this would get clubs to set the standards for their fans... like when Celtic banned the fan that ran on the pitch for life..
joe b
2007-12-26 05:01:21 UTC
You will never stamp out racism at footy games,other wise you will have to stop people calling players gay, or people calling refs black bastards, or people calling fat people " who ate all the pies"or shouting at the girls" get yer **** out for the lads" or whistling the tune of stan and ollie when the police march in front of the crowd,lets just enjoy football.
2007-12-24 07:06:16 UTC
I'd like to tell you they could change everything. Of course that is a big half-truth. Its down to people as much as the media.
2007-12-26 04:08:37 UTC
You will never ever stamp out racism its the way of the world.
2007-12-23 09:18:57 UTC
its not up to them, it is up to every person skin dont make any difference. in football or anything else. if the media want to do something it is to stop the cheating in football.
2007-12-22 12:40:51 UTC
i don't think media should shoulder responsibility for racism but they must reflect public feeling what ever that maybe,we may get abit of honesty,then we can move forward put racism behind us
2007-12-17 18:21:50 UTC
It has a role in eradicating racism in general. We as Human Beings are the ones with the control to change. It starts with us and how we bring our children up. We need to raise them with security and self respect and a strong sense of respect for others and their differences, right and wrong, tolerance and patience. They in turn will do the same. However and sadly, you will always have an element of people world wide that will hold racist views towards others over what they see as inferior or different ways of life, standards, colour, religion etc.
2007-12-21 15:49:29 UTC
They should make it their aim in life to stop racism, not only in football, but everywhere. Everybody should.
saf k
2007-12-31 11:47:51 UTC
they should play a big role as newspapers can print there faces when stoke city fans were printed in the local paper every 1 of them were named shamed and banned
2014-11-02 20:56:54 UTC
it would go a long long way to getting rid of this shameful practice. No long sermons on the subject, we want match commentary and analysis. Just a clear, concise, short statement on air, to the effect of " officials at the club have identified these attendees at our last match against so and so as being racially offensive in their language and conduct, and as such these people are not welcome at our matches in future." Then Name Them, live and on a
the gamer
2007-12-24 04:28:34 UTC
I depends really on what the situation is but I really dont understand why you are asking these questions nothing is going to be done about it! If you wanted to make a difference you wouldnt be asking this qustion on yahoo answers!
Mister X
2007-12-18 09:58:42 UTC
Racism is just DISGUSTING!! Mister X has been there done that. He has been racially abused ESPECIALLY in this forum. It is not only an action that should be taken in football but in every single sport. Mister X was also saddened yesterday by hearing that this not only happens in the male sport but in the female sport too. What kind of sick people are these. Racially abusing a poor defenseless female footballer. She argued about the abuse she was getting with the fans and in return got a red card. There are no words to describe the ignorance people have. To answer your question, media should do everything about it!
2007-12-26 18:26:45 UTC
i think its disgraceful that in the 21st century we are still tollerating racism, the media should definately step in and help reduce if not illiminate it, we should make rascists feel like the sad childish people they are!
2007-12-24 16:43:58 UTC
avery large part get the messege out there all over the world to stop racism
2007-12-24 02:51:41 UTC
the amount of racism in english football is vastly overrated and minimal, its other countries where its prevalent

their papers dont care because its indentured to their society
2007-12-24 20:00:34 UTC
It's not the medias.

It's the children who had been messed up at loss with our creator's universal gifts of life.

Who could no longer differentiates between fantasy or reality even when it were just a friendly matches.

The blunders and slip-ups with human errors created back in the past being expose in time after the mystery of us-911.

When living human kind do not even know how to create living human kind to be mankind as the Son of God without our creator's universal gifts of life.

Luke 9.55-56,60

Getting them all kick on the butts as casualty of the dead Mummy in not worshiping God in getting them in climbing up the coconut trees and still look green with lost sense of direction and purpose of life.


Ever wonder what is the mystery of being "Born again"?

If don't know .

Then go back to school before messing up human lives of the little ones, own children, own generation and children of all tribes of different community in kicking them on the butts with being aware of the mess of their own creation in own back yards.

Getting them all kick on the butts by the three monkeys with see no evil, hear no evil and say no evil who were still primitive in their monkey suits were blind , deaf and dumb hanging upside down blind as a bat still living in caves in the 21st century.

Luke 8.10,17

Until children expose " The elders in office were rude in kicking the butts of God. Children misbehave with self prides, self rudeness, self discrimination as people of different races of self racism with self lack of knowledge" in kicking the butts of God too like their elders.

Leviticus 4.13,22

What do you think?

Merry X'mas !
2007-12-17 10:37:59 UTC
Primarily its up to FIFA to come down exemplarily hard on the clubs who allow rascist, sectarian or violent behaviour at their grounds. Fines are pathetic and laughable to the big name clubs. Points deduction or demotion to a lower division would be a more realistic sanction. Media exposure of the offenders is an additional option. These scum are not true football fans.
2007-12-28 11:56:44 UTC
its not the media thats got the problem its the half wits that have a problem with anyone its just dont go on in footy
2007-12-25 15:52:51 UTC
Seen Ronny boy lately?
2007-12-23 20:22:29 UTC
they should play a big role as they have the power to influence others.
malks ra tim
2007-12-26 00:13:27 UTC
A huge amount ,but i find it incredible that people should still be concerned about the colour of each others skin.
2007-12-24 12:55:02 UTC
they already play a role, they would keep it on the news and make the person feel guilty
2007-12-29 20:06:39 UTC
the media shouldnt have any role with racism........because if it does then racisism would become aproblem...............

though i am aracist myself because i support the royal team.

2007-12-26 10:22:34 UTC
they should try not to publisise negative images of people like asylum seekers therefore rascism cannot stem from it and generalise people of different origins. i thing in order to stop rascism in football you should stop stereotyping people in general so it cannot lead to stereotypes being made about the individual players
2007-12-25 14:26:22 UTC
The media won't do anything!! they only care about the fans and money!!
2007-12-28 03:31:31 UTC
The media is institutionally racist and controlled by fascist bigots
2007-12-29 01:05:48 UTC
i agree in parts to most answers that in the uk a lot is being done already but there still could be a lot more done by clubs and players!
2007-12-31 11:37:26 UTC
In football? Football? come on man, FOOTBALL?
GIGGS is OO7 ©
2007-12-20 11:52:24 UTC
the media already do its part, and in this time of political correctness it would be foolish to expect anything less.
The Patriot
2007-12-17 13:34:47 UTC
Loads. Anyone remember this match when Spain hosted England in 2005? The behaviour of the Spanish supporters during the match was disgusting. This behaviour used to be seen on the terraces of English grounds once. But was stopped. Which is just as well, as seeing behaviour like this will enocurage children to act in a similar manner.

The media does have a part to play in the behaviour of the public in this and other matters. Thanks to the part the media played in Britain, scenes where black players are subject to monkey chants will be in the past forever.
2007-12-17 13:55:37 UTC
Samuel, you must be kidding. Asking an entity which is manned by people who come from a society in which racism is part of the cultural makeup (usually retaining a considerable amount of racist attitudes) to reduce racism in another aspect of society is just folly. A better idea is to combat the ideological elements that formulate racist beliefs. Ideas such as one race, ethnic group, tribe, etc. is inherently superior to another (or, dare I say, more EVOLVED?), that are acted upon not only in stadia, but also on the streets, the front-offices, and other parts of the society. Why is there only one black head coach in all of the European top flight of football (where in the NFL, there is one 4-team DIVISION with 2 head coaches of African descent)? Perhaps differing views between the US and Europe when it comes to racial perception can explain this. (Hint: we in the US have actually tried to practice what Dr. King preached: judge not a man by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character -- which, by the way, is Biblical, versus blindly accepting propaganda from a racist school curriculum.)

Furthermore, the idea that one cannot love a sport because he/she hates someone for such a superficial reason such as skin color, languge, religion or national origion is LAUGHABLE!!! For if that was the case, no one would watch ANY sport, especially an international competiton such as the World Cup, which fuels patriotic passions and national prejudices.

In short, we act as we believe!!! Racism is a lie, which is rooted in a lie. Inject the TRUTH into a society, and society will change. For the better by embracing it. Or, for the worse by rejecting it.
2007-12-29 06:02:42 UTC

Nothing to do with them!!!

Racism is caused by the "Coloured" players!
2007-12-17 10:27:17 UTC
It's everyones responsability to kick racism out of football. The media's the players the fans and everybode else involved in football. It should be a united fight.
2007-12-28 17:18:37 UTC
Just by reporting it when it happens. What else role should they have?
Patrick-The Man.Utd Fan
2007-12-21 07:28:39 UTC
i think that the problem is with the person itself and nothing can change their view so the media can do nothing.(please join man.u)
2007-12-20 03:38:05 UTC
samuel, YOU can do a great thing to reduce racism in football by answering my good buddy slightlystoutbob's question. (he's far eastern, you see)

he's desperate to get more answers than you and although i think he's got little chance, i think an encouraging word form you may make his day.

thanking you in advance...
2007-12-18 09:48:56 UTC
they should play a big part but i think it is more important for the players to set a good example.
2008-01-02 01:23:21 UTC
they should play a very big role..unfortunately,they ,sometimes use it to increase their value is very large
2007-12-31 14:22:39 UTC
they shouldn't have anything to do with it at all. also you need to improve your form cos as a madrid fan we whooped your *** last weekend
2007-12-23 15:52:20 UTC
2007-12-30 04:18:27 UTC
Madrid Cabron Saluda al Campeon!!!

Madrid Cabron Saluda al Campeon!!!

Madrid Cabron Saluda al Campeon!!!

Madrid Cabron Saluda al Campeon!!!

Madrid Cabron Saluda al Campeon!!!

Barcelona es lo mejor!
2007-12-19 16:16:52 UTC
The more you go on about racism, the more prominent it will be in society. All you`re doing is advertising the the word racism.

If you want something to go away try ignoring it.

Remember, people aren`t born racist.
2007-12-21 03:43:31 UTC
big role ................ i mean the media can make any one believe anything they say
2007-12-21 03:12:46 UTC
They already do quite a lot

What else do you think they could do?
2007-12-19 00:19:15 UTC
Unfortunately, the media promotes racism at some point. I have no worry about this because in the year 2100, it will be the whites crying foul play.
2007-12-17 10:24:56 UTC
They should play a small role. If the medias role was a breakfast it would be a bacon barm, rather than a full english.
2007-12-18 21:25:13 UTC
It's not the media's job to deal with this!? Get over it, you earn what? 100k+ a week (plus bonuses and add ons) and you worry about a tiny section of a few 'fans' here and there that make a few monkey noises? This has gone on for years, is maybe at it's lowest level in years due to the shooting numbers of black players in every country but it ain't gonna go away completely
Scott M
2007-12-20 17:25:36 UTC
none at all whites get just as enough abuse but nothing is ever said about that
answering machine
2007-12-26 12:48:53 UTC
dont ask about foot ball but you should ask about religions and races
2007-12-25 14:45:28 UTC
A big part.
2007-12-20 11:55:35 UTC
what about the racist jokes that are allowed in answers..

(the irish ones )
2007-12-19 19:56:03 UTC
they should help out but its not up to them
Miss WankStain
2007-12-20 07:51:37 UTC
last time i looked there were a lot of black players and isnt the english coach italian?
2007-12-17 12:40:50 UTC
football manager
2007-12-20 13:51:11 UTC
i think nothing really
2007-12-19 16:30:37 UTC
the way things are going it will be spot the white man, then what will they call it.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.